• ...rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

Peninsula Rescue Mission

The Peninsula Rescue Mission was founded in 1966 by Rev. Jim Lindley. Jim had been working at the Union Mission in Norfolk, Virginia, with Ted Bashford. Ted talked to Jim about the possibility of starting a Mission on the Peninsula. And so in 1966, Jim and his wife, Lena and their two children - Barbara and David – moved to Newport News and started the Peninsula Rescue Mission. Jim built the ministry from the ground up. In the beginning, the Lindley's lived in an apartment above the Mission building on West Avenue. Jim was a visionary, always looking for ways to expand the ministry. He started a thrift store, that even today is a large portion of the Mission's income. Jim also started Camp Open Arms in 1974 – a summer camp for underprivileged children. The Mission leased property near the Chickahominy River and Jim and others built all of the buildings. Jim's wife, Lena, worked right beside him at the Mission and at camp.

In 1970, Barbara married and her husband Lindsay began to work with Jim at the Mission. When Lindsay graduated from Bible college he came to work full-time alongside Jim. Over the next decade, as Lindsay pastored two churches in the Tidewater area, he continued to be involved with the Mission. Looking back, it is so easy to see God's hand in preparing Lindsay to take over. Lindsay did pick-ups, ran the thrift store, made repairs on buildings, and whatever else was needed. Jim loved the men at the Mission. He was always willing to give men a second, third, or fourth chance. Jim had been saved when he was in the Navy and was so aware of the grace God had shown him. In 1981 the Mission purchased a new building on Huntington Avenue. Jim spent months working to remodel the old building into dorms upstairs and a kitchen, dining hall, chapel and offices downstairs. The dedication of the building was April, 1983. Just five months later, Jim died suddenly from complications during heart surgery. His death left a huge gap in the ministry of the Mission.

November 1, 1983, Rev. Lindsay Poteat (Rev. Lindley's son-in-law) became the new Executive Superintendent. The first years were very difficult as Lindsay faced financial and staff struggles, but God always provided!! (for more about Rev. Poteat's ministry at PRM, click on his extended biography). Late in 1998, the Board of Directors advised Lindsay that it would be wise for him to begin praying for God to send a "Joshua" that he could train to be his replacement as Moses had trained Joshua to lead the people of Israel. Lindsay felt that his son-in-law, Alan DeFriese, would be the perfect man for the job, but he didn't feel comfortable approaching Alan and Alan feeling pressured. At the same time Alan was becoming more and more interested in working at the Mission, but he didn't feel comfortable approaching his father-in-law. In a set of circumstances only God could have orchestrated, Lindsay and Alan finally communicated! The Board of Directors interviewed Alan and were convinced that he was God's man for the job! Alan was hired in April, 1999, and has worked under his father-in-law since then.

January 1, 2014 will see the Mission enter the next phase as Rev. Poteat retires and Alan steps up to become the next Superintendent. Since 1966, God has had His hand on the ministry of the Peninsula Rescue Mission. Never once has the Mission received government assistance. God has always provided through individuals, churches, or civic groups. Because of that, we are able to require attendance at chapel services where every man who enters the Mission for shelter also hears the Gospel preached. At this time, all of our buildings are paid for; all of our vehicles are paid for; we have a solid staff that works side by side to minister to the "least of these" on the Peninsula. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

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