• ...rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
Rev. Poteat's verse by verse commentary of the Scriptures...audio and print.

Rev. Poteat is the voice of BBN's Manna in the Morning. "Manna" is Lindsay's commentary on the passage of the week from the International Baptist Sunday School lesson. Each Sunday morning, faithful listeners tune to the Bible Broadcasting Network at 7:30am to "prep" for their Sunday School class.

Through years of faithful study, Lindsay has amassed almost a complete commentary on the Scriptures...both in print and audio. Click below to discover his insights, and let's study the Word together!

Lindsay Poteat has dedicated his life to the service of his Lord.

All of his adult life, Lindsay Poteat has served the Lord in ministry. He spent nine years as a pastor. In 1983, he was called to be the Executive Superintendent of the Peninsula Rescue Mission and has served there until the present. Rev. Poteat and his wife, Barbara, have two children. Their son Philip is on staff at Waters Edge Church in Yorktown, Virginia. Their daughter Faith works part-time at the Mission. What a legacy that both of their children are also in ministry! Click below for an expanded biography.

Lindsay was the Superintendent of the Peninsula Rescue Mission for over 39 years.

Since 1970, Rev. Lindsay Poteat has been a part of the Peninsula Rescue Mission. The first years he worked for his father-in-law, Rev. Jim Lindley, founder of PRM. Even when he began to pastor, he always spent at least one day a week at the Mission. Since 1983, when Rev. Lindley passed away suddenly, Lindsay has been the Executive Superintendent of the Mission. Though he will retire at the end of 2013, he will continue to be a part of the ministry of the Mission as long as God allows! Click below to learn more about the ministry of the Peninsula Rescue Mission.